Self-Awareness is a Leadership Requirement
Does Your Brand Have It?

When you hear the word leader, what traits come to mind? Dedication, influence, expertise, and confidence, perhaps. Additionally, a leader simply must have a big dose of self-awareness. How do you know if you have it?

By definition self-awareness is “the conscious knowledge of one’s own character, feelings, motives, and desires.” It’s a trait that allows you to recognize how your presence affects others around you. Are you aware of what others’ body language and behaviors might be saying? Do you sense friction arising during conversations? Can you recognize the message given by certain facial expressions or gestures? Likewise, what’s the atmosphere of your office on any given day? Is it high-energy or low morale? Even if you’re not having the best day, remember people are watching you and your demeanor is contagious. Don’t let a bad day dull your presence.

Self-awareness is an important trait that will move a good leader to an outstanding leader. It creates a strong brand presence. Here’s a checklist to determine if you’ve “got it.”

1. Do you show empathy toward your team? People need to know you care before they care what you know.

2. Does your presence exude leadership without having to use your title? A leader is an authentic influencer, one who is willing to work alongside people and help them reach their goals.

3. Do you take time to examine you? What are areas where you can improve? I’ve heard it said “learning is K through 80+.” Leaders are learners.

4. Do you ask for feedback? It takes courage, but it’s worth it to hear what others’ perspectives might be.

5. Are you an authentic leader? Let your team get to know the real you! Yes, being vulnerable is a good thing. It shows you are a human being….not just a human doing!