5 Steps to Keep Your Network From Getting Stale
Building and maintaining a successful executive network should be a top priority whether you are involved in a current job search or not. Don’t store away contacts that you meet and reach out only when you are in the midst of job search. You need to create an action plan to cultivate those contact relationships.

First and foremost, get organized. You know those bits of paper with information about a contact person that you have shoved in a briefcase or are sitting on your desk piling up? Think like a salesman who keeps track of customers – create a system – whether it is an app on your phone, an excel spreadsheet, whatever you think will work for you. And then be consistent in keeping this file current with the latest people you meet.

Next, set yourself up as the “go-to” person that everyone wants to have in their network. Someone who shares information, has a big network to connect to, is always willing to help another, and can sometimes even be a problem solver for issues you may have. These 5 tips can help:

1. Share an article – When was the last time you saw a great article or blog about an industry-related topic and thought – I should send this to John Jones – he would appreciate this information? A quick e-note attaching the article keeps you in John’s sphere of influence, demonstrates you have a watchful eye on the industry and are keeping up with current events.

2. Recommend a book – Book notes from business books are often welcome by people in your network, and especially by those who don’t have the time to read. I have a former client who was so good at this, she started a book club where she sends her book reviews to contacts who opted in to her service, and as a result this grew into a very lucrative executive consulting business.

3. Send kudos to your contacts – Everyone likes to be complimented for accomplishments. Be sure you keep up with your contacts so that you can let them know you are paying attention and following their milestones. You can use Newsle which will let you know every time one of your connections makes the news. Or set up Google alerts for your closest contacts.

4. Thank contacts regularly – Has someone in your network helped you out? Inspired you? Introduced you to an important connection? People appreciate knowing they have made a difference in your career and would appreciate a note of thanks.

5. Keep in touch – Make it a priority to keep up with these contacts and reach out to several old and new people a week. Schedule a phone call, or meet up on your calendar so you have dedicated a time to build relationships. You can simply touch base to catch up or discuss specific projects or interests. Regular friendly rapport will build your contacts into a powerful support system.

The saying goes, “build your network before you need it.” And that proves to be a valid statement time and time again. People will be more willing to help if you are a trusted and valued contact with whom they have a relationship.